June 10, 2010

Try Easy

Since I am in sales, I have a lot of pressure to get results. Sales results equate to bills paid (and golf of course), which is the point of it all. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who does the same thing I do, for the same company. We were discussing the frustrations of being commission only and how difficult it is to work your heiny off, and perhaps have an entire week (or longer) without closing a deal. My friend mentioned that it just shouldn’t be this difficult… sigh.

Although we may joke about wishing to be ladies (or gentlemen) of leisure, few of us truly want to lie around the house eating bon-bons all day. I can certainly speak for myself when I say that I like hard work, because the reward is so much sweeter when you know you’ve earned it. This frame of mind is exactly why we casual golfers have a hard time “letting go”. In terms of hard work, golf can prove the most challenging because one practice on the range does not a pro make. However, our golf games are constantly evolving, and eventually we improve. No instant gratification to be found here… and we have to learn to be ok with that.

Take the golf swing for example. The harder you try to hit the ball, the worse your shot will be. The backswing should be nice and smooth, and after you’ve engaged your lower body, centrifugal force will kick in and give you a nice club head speed. But the club has to do the work… the smoother the swing the better the connection and in turn the shot. We all know the feeling of that great shot, perfectly timed, perfectly connecting the ball and the sweet spot, and that is what keeps us coming back time after time. That shot really isn’t that difficult, yet it can often be the most elusive thing to find for 18 holes... or 36.. or... or.. or..

Why can’t we just chill out? Why can’t we just relax? Why do we strive for perfect results within every aspect of our lives? Isn’t the journey supposed to be the good part?

Shades on. Windows down. Wind in your hair.

Get on your bad motor scooter and ride...

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